AUGUST: Sam's List
1. My New Coupes - I got them from La Loueme, they are so damn chhaute. You can put nuts, cherries, appetizers, whip cream (...really anything) in them. You can use them as table decor or serving for each guest. It's really the perfect silver tableware and decor. A also adore Laura & Emmy that started the shop.
2. Kindred - My personal new way to travel & stay. Instead of crazy airbnb's owned by landlords just trying to make a buck, this is the new way I've loved to "home swap" when traveling. You have to apply and use a reference code (which each accepted host is only given 3), but in speaking with them & telling them about this collective of women, they have offered me a code for you all. You can use it HERE or use SAM.WOL1 when you sign up. I don't make any money off of this, just trying to get great women also on it who like to travel & have great spaces. Oh and did I mention it is female-founded?
3. Our New Q&A - Sometimes you have your head down growing something, and you forget the most simple things. For me, that was a basic Q&A section on everything & the Table. So I created one (finally) here. It should answer all of your questions and you can always access it through the platform.
4. Enso x Crips Collab - This one's a little late but for how much I've been wearing it, I've been in love with the Enso Vintage & Crisp Bed Sheets collab to make an incredible button-down shirt from their upcycled cotton. Still some left but if not in your size, Ensō has so much to offer & for the ladies in Amsterdam, the shops open on Elandsgracht.
5. Travel to Table - I had my first table for women "traveling to" Amsterdam and it was the first one where I was a bit nervous again but the women came, we drank some wine and it was a delightful evening. This one will definitely pop up again soon for meeting women from all over the world in my home, is exactly why we're building this. More to come & for now, the original table put up as the next meal at my home!